I think before being able to love someone it really is a matter of loving yourself and putting yourself first otherwise you would be such a fucking martyr and that is just pure folly!! I would have to admit that there was a time that I actually put my ex-partner first and for a year all my personal plans for my career and self growth was hindered (And yes it was my choice). Even the time I spend with my friends was affected. When I think back, it came to a point when I stopped loving myself and putting myself last rather than being in a relationship where you compromise with your partner where it makes two individual grow into better people that is not detrimental to continuously maturing into a better person.
I have been dating the King Queen for quite a while now and counting quickly out of my head, that would be around a month or so. I have never really dated somebody with a receding hair line and a bit stocky. (Ouch.. reality bites). Okay, I am not a judgmental person… its just that it’s the fact. I must say that he has got beautiful chinky eyes and a nice nose; he must have looked good with all his hair on his head before it all fell off on his pillow (at least I believe so after coming across one of his portrait). The King Queen is, in his own right, a very intelligent man for him to be where he is now. I would have to say that he is very stable working for one of the prominent companies here as well as other investments in the stock market and in real estate.

I asked myself, Should I just go for it and enjoy the good life but be unhappy all the time? I made the choice… It would be unfair if we continue what ever we have when all the time it seems there is just no connection like THE "connection" that I am looking for. The fireworks, (translation: high squirting sperm), the passionate kisses, the intimacy and the sensual touch. At least I know that I am not a materialistic person and I do not take advantage of the King Queen. This is a first I must admit, I have never dated anybody with such age difference and who is such a "queenie"… I can be comically feminine when I joke with my super close friends but I must say that I stay with my masculinity. (I am just super vain!) Well maybe there is always the first? – Comments and suggestions are always welcum! -the MAN
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