I do have one question in my mind though, does dating around make you a slut? I think sleeping with all of them is what will make you a slut, and if you are a slut, you might as well be the best slut in town!! (hahaha) Its always the question of why settle with something that isn’t for you having in mind that there maybe something better that will truly make us happy. Not to mention that sometimes before you buy your ride, you have to ride hard so as to decipher which car you want to ride for life. We as humans have the tendency to need somebody, so as we age, we start to worry (well especially for women). Tina has been kissed (the stop light scandal) but relationship wise, in college it was her books then it became the Internet and for a while all work and no play. Why is she a late bloomer? She discovers life and how fun it is to have friends like me and Amy and her other friends of course. For Amy well… like her we both have a high tendency to fuck things up, or things just don’t fall in to place that we end up in complicated situations. I am guessing she has her own countdown that’s for sure.
Let’s make an inventory:
- The King Queen
- Mr. Good Fuck
- Buddy Fucker
- Mr. Perfect Smile
- Snake Dickie
- Hot Hotel Boi
- Bottomic Sucker
- Yankee Boi
I did make an article about the King Queen. We met through some common friends and dated (just go through my prior blog). Something was missing. It could have been something great, over all I think that he is pretty ok but there is just no spark and he is just not sweet enough. I reckon it’s just something that I go gaga over. The best way to get my attention is simple sweet nothings because I am naturally sweet and if it is not reciprocated it just gets tiring and surely I will turn in to stone cold partner.
He tried to be sweet which gave him a little advantage but I just can’t fathom the excessive alcohol consumption. Yes, I would have to agree its always mouth watering cocktails and fine wine but then too much of something is generally not good that I started hating alcohol again. We always get drunk and being with him its seventy percent (70%) tipsy, ten percent (10%) passed out (where I have to get stuck taking care of him) twenty (20%) are good conversations when he is sober. If you sum it up, I want to be able to live a healthy lifestyle that I would have the opportunity to enjoy somebody’s company mind, body and soul. All I know is, I miss waking up to a very active lifestyle not to mention all the praises I get for my sexiness. In a way, I like the feeling when I get to encourage other people motivating them that if I can do it, so can anybody… So going back, that’s it for King Queen. I just think I can’t do the excessive alcohol and on the other hand, I am looking for someone who will make me feel so appreciated and loved. Sweetness and mush melts me. Like what I mentioned, he is ‘pretty ok’. Why settle for ‘pretty ok’ if someone can be OK!
Mr. Good Fuck -- Hot, sexy, sensual passionate sex-machine that his name is self-explanatory. He surely knows what fucking is about. Excessive sweating and moaning is part of the night. We met twice already but he remains to be a booty call up until somebody steals my heart.
He is not the conversationalist type… I tried starting a conversation but alas, right there in then at the back of my head, I wanted to just stuff his mouth with a condom or better yet just fuck and let the fireworks rise in ecstasy. After all it’s the kind of sex that when you wake up you have that smirk and you have that after-sex-aura.
Buddy fucker is somebody that I met through a friend. He got my mobile, we send text to each other and in one of them horny hot nights I was feeling the itch I asked him to come over. We hung out… got tipsy and out of no where casually asked “Do you want to make out?” and casually I answered “yes” and then grabbed him.
And that was it… it was a normal fuck, nothing special just the need. We were both horny and we needed to squirt sperm and so we did at times once, twice or even thrice. Our relationship is really friendship with benefits. We do talk about stuff but never with a romantic inclination just plain ole ‘wassup buddy type’ man.
Well, Mr. Dickie is from some other Asian country somewhere south of Honk Kong and Mr. Dickie is such a sweetheart. We met through chat and did a little webcam action once. He is sweet when we chat. We were supposed to meet but it just never materializes... Maybe it’s not meant to be.(and what the fuck is happening to me??? cyber sex... amy please slap me on the head!!)
He seems to also be successful with his career and is based here. He has a great gym body and why Snake Dickie? Well, very well endowed down there, too bad we have not met… I must say that Mr. Dickie kinda scares me with that snake. His status remains to be a cyber dude.
Hotboi works for a hotel but is in a relationship but why is he flirting with me? Well, he must be unhappy and is not getting the sex that he wants and needs for that matter because partner is busy fucking around, since their arrangement is an open-relationship. (which i think is stupid)
Another case of not a very good conversationalist here, also he is an old friend and we just came across each other, met once but no spark nor connection. We just did a little catching up. It is just evident that he is playing around and is still hung up with ‘le boyfriend. I did try tasting the forbidden stick but then i stopped... I am not a fucking whore... I only do it sensually... so that is that.
Yankee Boi is a Fil-Am from New York who is here getting a masteral degree. He is also teaching Linguarama. I like talking to him as it brings back my growing up years in the US. It was fun talking to him and sex was great. He was also a good kisser. He was a good potential but it seems that it’s again just another booty call so I got tired of it. Maybe he just doesn’t reciprocates the signs I am giving so fuck it.
Brace yourself for the best head ever!!! I am soooo mesmerized as he made love with my junior. He was actually a college friend and we just came across each other and offered to cum over and give me a massage and next thing I know, we were naked and there you have it the best blow job ever… and then boom boom boom I was inside him and he loved it.
Another case of buddies just hanging out and cuddling which is can be really fun. There is no romantic connection here, just friends having fun. Like a frat house thing nothing romantic.
And finally the latest one that is heaven sent. It seems like it’s too good to be true. If you ask me Mr. Perfect Smile seems to be falling into the criteria. He is a bit taller than me, has one beautiful face and a great smile to top it all off. He stares at me with those beautiful expressive eyes. He is pretty successful in his early 30’s and he is manly enough to get me turned on. We found each other in an online network and we seem to chat and then next thing I know we were calling each other and up until the point that we finally meet (which was last night : ) It wasn't planned but since we discovered that he lived so close to my place I ended up just inviting him to pass by before our tentative date on Wednesday. Nothing happened just one of the greatest conversations I had for the longest time.
He is one sweet person and such a very good conversationalist (word fucker I may call it so its like the greatest mind sex) and someone with a great character something that really brought instant mush in my system. I thought to myself “where have you been all my life?!?!?” I just love how he always calls me and sends me sms and the way he stares at my eyes when we speak… It has been a while since something this beautiful came across my way.
So after a brief inventory of my dates I am getting the top five 5 prospects so far:
On the Fifth slot we have The King Queen!! Not formally out of the hot 5s falling from the number one slot being there for about four weeks the King Queen doesn’t seem to be successful in keep the Man’s heart being dethroned out of THE spot.
On the fourth slot is Mr. Good fuck! No mover right here. Nothing beats hot, sexy, sensual passionate sex-machine once you’ve tasted it. Up until theMan isn’t owned, Mr. Good Fuck is welcum to provide pleasure with no strings attached. It’s all about the sex!
This time on the third slot (I should say slut…) is Mr. Buddy Fucker himself!! Another none-mover in the hot 5 where theMan loves Buddy Fucker as a friend! Someone I would want to go out clubbing and just have a good time and fucking here and there is always an option.
Now on the second slot is Yankee Boi who seems to be a good prospect but not quite. theMan does enjoy his company and he is also a great conversationalist but not enough to even reach the HOT spot.
So moving on to THE SPOT a new comer, debuting on the number one slot!! Mr. Perfect Smile. And is so far doing a good job in stimulating theMan’s heart. My heart belongs to you so far Mr. Perfect Smile you. Every time you call me you just don’t know how you make me smile.
The reality is, I am getting tired with this dating game. Just yesterday, as I was talking to Amy, I was thinking sometimes as my inventory shows I am just dating around getting to know new people and it gets tiring. It would be nice to know that you belong in one arms only. That your kiss belongs to another one set of hot lips that will kiss you passionately. Someone you can just have a good conversation with and somebody who makes you feel appreciated.
Once my heart is owned I am exclusively for that one I will love with all my heart... although my guard is up. I have to guard my heart from getting crushed again… dating can be tiring but remaining hopeful that the right one is around here somewhere.
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